In Memory of





Condolence From: Casandra McClerklin
Condolence: To the Skidmore Family, I worked for Keith at SY Technology many years ago. I decided to look up some of my old coworkers and was saddened to learn of his passing. He was a great leader and always supportive of is team. Although quite some time has passed, I wanted to extend my prayers for and sincere condolences to you.
Monday May 22, 2023
Condolence From: David E Smith
Condolence: Toujours Pret LTC Skidmore. Proud to have served with you.
Monday August 14, 2017
Condolence From: Patrick K. Chapman
Condolence: I am very sorry to hear of this. LTC Skidmore was my Squadron Commander of 2/2 ACR during the mid 80's. He was a great commander and the dragoons will miss him.
Thursday January 12, 2017
Condolence From: Charlie and Barbara Rash
Condolence: Dear Barb and Family we were saddened to hear of Keith's passing. We pray that he rest in the loving arms of God.
Thursday December 15, 2016
Condolence From: Gayle Cleaveland
Condolence: I am so sorry to hear about Keith's passing. I worked with and for him several years ago and will not forget his professionalism and his kindness. He will be missed by all who knew him. I am honored to know him.
Thursday December 15, 2016
Condolence From: Walter Huffman
Condolence: Dear Barb, Keith was a great friend, classmate & section mate to me at the National War College. I always appreciated his sense of humor, intelligence & code of honor. He was a guy one could respect & trust. I am very sorry for your loss, but please know that I and many others are better for having known him. He made a positive difference in this world. With sincere condolences, Walt Huffman, Lubbock, Texas
Wednesday December 14, 2016
Condolence From: George Rhodes
Condolence: Keith was a committed member of our many golf groups at Evergreen – the Lopez Group, the AA Group and the Retired Men’s Group! He played with us for 4+ years and this year his golf schedule was take Monday off and play the other six days of the week!! He loved to golf. Like each of our group members, Keith had his unique personality traits worthy of mention. He had nicknames such as Bagger 1 or 2 (i.e., low scores with a high handicap) and Lotus 1-2-3 (he would take two practice swings and hit the ball on the third swing). Unlike many in our group he rarely had any club tosses – his most expressive outburst would be yelling at the ball “You Communist B...h” if he had a bad hit. We did have to help him a little from time to time – for some reason he had a tough time teeing his golf ball behind the tee markers and sometimes he lost count of how many strokes he had taken on a given hole. For sure he disliked bunkers and before he got his new Thomas clubs he usually used his putter to exit bunkers or make 30+ yard approach shots. Keith could score over 100 or in the low 80s while maintaining the same cool temperament – a trait not typical of all golfers. For sure Keith never gave up – he was always ready to play again and do his best. In addition to being a dedicated golfer, you soon understood Keith to be a devoted husband and father. He was very proud of Barb’s professional accomplishments, the successes of his sons and stepsons and his bountiful joy of the grandkids. I and the regular group members will sorely miss Keith. But the memories he has left with us will be present forever and certainly his name will be mentioned many times in the years to come. Rest in Peace Keith and know your golf buddies will dearly miss you. We will have prayers for Barb and all his family members.
Wednesday December 14, 2016
Condolence From: Paige Bastian
Condolence: Dear Barb - My thoughts, prayers and hugs are with you and your family. I am here to do anything that will make your life easier. I am truly sorry.
Wednesday December 14, 2016
Condolence From: Bobby & Vicki Waddle
Condolence: Dear Barb and the boys, we are so sorry for your loss. Kieth was a good man and he will be missed. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this very difficult time.
Wednesday December 14, 2016
Condolence From: Rich Levine
Condolence: Barb and family, Just heard the sad news about Keith. There aren't enough words to say how sorry we are for you and your family. Please know that you are in our thoughts and prayers during this very difficult time. Rich and Helene
Tuesday December 13, 2016
Condolence From: Rachel Potts
Condolence: Keith was often home when I came over for my daily outing with Carly Ann. He always stopped whatever he was doing to chat for a few minutes. He made sure that I never felt like "just the dog walker". I will so miss our conversations about Carly's quirks, our families, holiday and vacation plans, and jokes - usually centered around experiencing yet another of our "senior moments". He shared his excitement and pride about the growing family, grandchildren, and the huge gatherings at the house. He was also always eager to share a taste of something he had cooked. I will miss his warm and welcoming personality, and his bright, yet matter-of-fact outlook on life. I am grateful to have known him, I am thankful for his service to our country, and I extend my deepest condolences to all of his family.
Tuesday December 13, 2016
Condolence From: Ken & Beck
Condolence: So sorry for such a sudden, tragic loss. We know how much you cared for your brother, Jack. Thoughts & prayers will be wth you: Jack, Susan, and the rest of the family! Love ya! Ken & Beck
Tuesday December 13, 2016
Condolence From: Rich Fischer
Condolence: Dear Barb, I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Keith was a man of character and class. The world will be a less compelling place without him. rich
Tuesday December 13, 2016
Condolence From: Todd Brinkman
Condolence: Dear Barb and Family, I worked with Keith during his time in the Defense contracting arena. I feel extremely honored that he allowed me to be a part of his team in growing the businesses. I learned so much from a wonderful, loyal and humorous person. I am very sorry for your loss. Best Regards, Todd Brinkman
Tuesday December 13, 2016
Condolence From: Laurie Barnes
Condolence: Barb and Family. So sorry to hear about Keith. My thoughts and prayers are with you. The Barnes'
Monday December 12, 2016
Condolence From: David Keith Skidmore
Condolence: I learned from Jack a few days ago about Keith's sudden passing. My dad, Keith Lynn Skidmore, was Keith's dad Kenneth's twin brother. Keith was named after my dad as the first born in the family. As a child growing up, I new Keith by his nickname "Twirp", and didn't realize that his real name was Keith until I turned a teenager. I always looked forward to our trips to Elkins, WV to visit our grandparents at Easter, and get to play ball with Jack and Twerp. I especially remember my first Major League Baseball game in Pittsburgh with our dads. I only wish I had a chance to know Keith better in his adult life. My heart goes out to the whole Skidmore family.
Monday December 12, 2016
Condolence From: Debbie Cain
Condolence: So sorry for your loss Barb. Praying for comfort for you and your family during this time. Debbie Cain
Monday December 12, 2016
Condolence From: Maurice Alexander
Condolence: Our sincere sympathy for the passing of an Elegant gentleman and great person. What a pleasure to have known him and shared the National War College experience with him. Our best during this time of sorrow. Lynda and Morey Alexander Class of '89
Monday December 12, 2016
Condolence From: James Hess
Condolence: Dear Family of Lt.Col. Skidmore, I had the honor to serve Lt.Col. Skidmore as his S-3 section Sgt. & track commander/gunner on HQ66 directly after we received the new M3 Bradley! He was an inspirational leader that I admired deeply. Kept his calm in some hair raising situations that I & our crew unfortunately put him in (backed off a 30 foot cliff at Hohenfels that nearly flipped the M3 whereas after we crashed into the ground, came on the intercom & calmly stated "crew check"), was very demanding but outright fair in all situations, to all ranks and that without sleeping sometimes for days on end! It upsets me dearly to hear of his departure and my thoughts and prayers go out to his family! Sincerely, James (SSG) Hess
Monday December 12, 2016
Condolence From: Ron & Dawn Kidwell
Condolence: Dear Barb and family, Barb we are praying for you and the family at this difficult time. We are so sorry for your loss. Please let us know if there is anything we can do.
Monday December 12, 2016
Condolence From: Ron & Dawn Kidwell
Condolence: Dear Barb and family, Barb we are praying for you and the family at this difficult time. We are so sorry for your loss. Please let us know if there is anything we can do.
Monday December 12, 2016
Condolence From: Mark Klein
Condolence: So sorry for your loss. Our prayers are for you and your family.
Monday December 12, 2016
Condolence From: Mike & Aimee Adamski
Condolence: Dear Barb, Logan and Chris, Our deepest sympathies and prayers are with you in this difficult time. Sincerely, Mike & Aimee
Monday December 12, 2016
Condolence: Rich and I are zoo sorry for your loss. We have known Keith since 1972. Rich and Keith were both stationed together at Fort Knox, Ky. He will be greatly missed by us and our daughter who loved Uncle Keith. May he rest in peace. God Bless Rich and Pam
Monday December 12, 2016
Condolence From: Donnie, Robyn & Reed Whitmer
Condolence: Barb, Logan, Chris, Kenny and Justin – We are so very sorry for your loss. Keith was one of a kind –a loving husband, father and grandfather and an amazing man. He always made us feel like family and we are so blessed to have known him. You are all in our thoughts and prayers. Love to all of you. Donnie, Robyn and Reed Whitmer
Monday December 12, 2016
Condolence From: Jeffrey Caillier
Condolence: My deepest sympathies. The world lost a great man. I remember Lt. Col. Skidmore from my time with E-TROOP, 2/2 ACR in Bamberg Germany. His name is on a number of certificates I received while I was enlisted. I remember him as being a tough but compassionate commander. During the cold war, we had to be able to respond at a moment's notice. He made sure his squadron was able to do that. He made us all toe the line and he expected and got 110% from us troopers. There was no room for anything less in a time of uncertainties. I have remembered him all these thirty years as one of the finest men I ever had the privilege of serving under. Again, my deepest sympathies. An to Lt. COL Skidmore, until we meet again on the fiddler's Green. Always ready, second to none. Toujours Pret
Monday December 12, 2016
Condolence From: Richard fisher
Condolence: Rest in peace sir. And prayers for peace for family and freinds
Monday December 12, 2016
Condolence From: Kelly J. Willis
Condolence: Dearest Skidmore Family, Our thoughts and prayers are with you! I am so very sorry for the loss, a loss to us all! I was a soldier in Bamberg Germany, under (then) Lt. Col. Skidmore, and his signature is on two of my service medal awards, and my "Cavalry Border Certificate". As a Cavalry Scout with F Troop 2/2 Cav. in the early 80s, the mission was serious, and unrelenting - which led to the downfall of the "wall", soviet aggression etc... Col. Skidmore was directly responsible for maintaining this force, and his impact on our world will never be forgotten! I have never been more proud to share my military experience than I am...NOW.... WITH you! I will remember his strength, vision, and leadership forever! Always Ready, Second To None, Sir! I will return to your command at Fiddler's Green! May our God, bless you and your family with peace and love, knowing you have sacrificed so much - with so little given back to you! I remain ready, if there is ever any way I can assist - say the word! I am who I am because of the experience serving under your husbands command...., and I remain thankful! He truly was second to no one!
Sunday December 11, 2016
Condolence From: Gary Thabet
Condolence: Barb, Logan and Chris, I am so very sorry for your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you and all of your family during this most difficult of times.
Sunday December 11, 2016
Condolence From: SSG Cruz
Condolence: Always ready Sir! We will see you again at fiddlers Green. Dragoon for life. Toujour Pret, 2nd Armored Cavalry Regiment Fiddlers Green Halfway down the trail to hades, In a shady meadow green Are the Souls of all dead troopers camped, Near a good old-time canteen. And this eternal resting place Is known as Fiddlers' Green. Marching past, straight through to Hades The Infantry are seen. Accompanied by the Engineers, Artillery and Marines, For none but the shades of Cavalrymen Dismount at Fiddlers' Green. Though some go curving down the trail To seek a warmer scene. No trooper ever gets to Hades Ere he's emptied his canteen. And so rides back to drink again With friends at Fiddlers' Green. And so when man and horse go down Beneath a saber keen, Or in a roaring charge of fierce melee You stop a bullet clean, And the hostiles come to get your scalp, Just empty your canteen, And put your pistol to your head And go to Fiddlers' Green.
Sunday December 11, 2016
Condolence From: Victor & Estelle Cruz
Condolence: Dear Barb, Logan, and Chris We are deeply sorry to hear of this loss so soon after becoming friends and family. Our hearts and prayers go out to you. Keith seem to be an amazing husband and loving father. May God bless you all as you go forward in life. Our love to you all. Estelle and Victor Cruz
Saturday December 10, 2016
Condolence From: Eric Kersey
Condolence: So sorry for your loss Barb, Keith was a great man. His service to our country will never be forgotten, nor will the memories of his life. The many good times we all had at Gold Cup will always be remembered. Please accept our condolences. Love, Eric & Amy Kersey
Saturday December 10, 2016