In Memory of





Condolence From: Cameron Nizer-Addison
Condolence: Maureen, Our team at BAE feels empty without you, like we're missing the main ingredient in a favorite recipe. You were our fearless leader who was never afraid to speak up or defend your coworkers when it really counted. I, like many others on the BAE team, will miss you. My strength goes to your family and close friends in this time of grieving, and I hope they find comfort in remembering how great of a person you were. Rest in peace. - Cameron
Friday December 03, 2021
Condolence From: Chris Wheeler
Condolence: Maureen - you are deeply missed. The outpouring of support from your BAE peers has been immense and a testament to the relationships you've built over a career. May you forever rest in peace. And may your family find comfort in knowing the positive impression left wherever you've traveled. -- Chris
Wednesday December 01, 2021
Condolence From: Shelly Jolin
Condolence: Once a co-worker, but always a mate once an associate, but always a chum You kept my work life from being humdrum Do you remember All those inconsequential conversations All that casual banter Do you recollect All that infectious laughter And those never ending coffee breaks I will miss every moment I spent with you mate you were valued and respected
Wednesday December 01, 2021